Moscow Russian

Interesting Fact #1

The Russian language is considered as one of the richest and most complex languages in the world.

Interesting Fact #2

Unlike other European languages, Russian does not utilize determiners such as “the” or “‘a”.

Interesting Fact #3

Russian is the language of space. If you want to become an astronaut (космонавт) you will need to learn Russian.

Music in Russian from Moscow

Russian music has had a distinct religious and folk influence. The most popular instruments in medieval Russia were string instruments such as the gusli or gudok, which were played by bards who recited epic ballads about mythical pagan heroes. After Westernization, Russian music shifted towards European instrumentation and melodies, reaching its apogee in classical composers like Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky. Later composers like Stravinsky, Shostakovich, and Prokofiev completely revolutionized Western classical music. In the Soviet Union, the best music was underground, and no one was allowed to practice religion. After the fall of the USSR, Russia returned to its folk roots, blending international genres like hip hop and rock with dancing bears and snow choirs.  

Art By sonya and olga golub

Until the Western reforms of Peter the Great, Russian art was primarily religious. As Russia shifted to an imperial form of government in the 18th century, it began to consciously imitate Western Europe, primarily Germany, France, and Britain. By the 19th century, Russia began to create its own unique art, which among other things, heralded the Golden Era of Russian literature—a major contribution to romantic, realist, and later symbolist literature. 
